Vadim Komissarov - Dive into the Unknown, 2020 @ POLYOT ART AGENCY

"The main issue of interest for me as an artist is creation of a new mythology of modern life"
The plots of the artist’s works are mainly based on human figures. These are often athletic girls placed in a non-standard, conditional environment. The main technique of the works is acrylic painting on canvas. This technique is attractive for the artist with its high drying speed of the layers: "I paint in thin multi-layered layers and I love when the canvas shines through the paint."
In his mosaic pieces Vadim Komissarov uses unique technique with long strips, mainly of stained glass: "Lately I have been interested in the glitch effect." Many works in painting and mosaic are made in this visual form. Glitch subconsciously forces the viewer to doubt the reality of the modern computer era image."
The artist was born in Minsk on the 23 of May, 1982.
He works in various easel and monumental painting techniques and also creates art objects.
Since 2003, he has been living and working in St. Petersburg.
2010 - 2011 - PRO ARTE Institute
2003 - 2009 - the St. Petersburg Art and Industrial Academy named after A.L. Stieglitz, Monumental and Decorative Painting
2000 - 2003 - Minsk Art College named after A.K.Glebov (Painting)
2015 - "Memory of the Earth", Erarta, St. Petersburg
2013 - "Main news", Musivum gallery Artplay Center, Moscow
2012 - "Tempus Edax Rerum", as part of PRO ARTE Fund for Contemporary Art festival in a traditional museum.
Museum of Political History of Russia, St. Petersburg
2010 - "Object No. 146".
Small Hall of Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", St. Petersburg
2009 - "Another World", Gallery "Dee-Dee", St. Petersburg
Selected exhibitions:
2016 - "Actual Russia. Reboot" Museum of Modern History of Russia, Moscow
2016 - Space. Reconstruction of the myth. Central Museum of Communications named after A.S. Popov, St. Petersburg
2014 - "Season of victories!" exhibition, Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", Manezhnaya pl., 1, Moscow
2014 - "Magnetic field" exhibition, Rizzordi Art Foundation, St. Petersburg
2014 - "Expectations" exhibition as part of a parallel project of the IV Moscow International Biennale of Young Art.
Moscow Dubininskaya str., 57, p.11. Musivum Gallery
2013 - "Crosses". Erarta Museum, St. Petersburg
2012 - Baltic Biennale.
2012 - «Ti Desidero» Musivum gallery.
ART PLAY, Moscow
2012 - "OCULUS TWO", III International Biennale of Young Art.
ART.RU Agency, Moscow
2012 -"Inconclusive Analysis" strategic project, III International Biennale of Young Art.
MMOMA, Moscow
2011 - the Kuryokhin Prize long-list in the category of "visual art"
2011 - "Oculus Noveni", PRO ART Fund exhibition.
"Svetoch" Loft, St. Petersburg
2011 - "In touch".“Foundation” project. Central Museum of Communications named after A.S. Popov, St. Petersburg
2011 - "Space".
As part of the "Night of Museums" international action, Erarta Museum, St. Petersburg
2011 - "Luggage storage".
As part of the action "Night of contemporary Art in St. Petersburg".
Kitchen Gallery, St. Petersburg
2011 - "Psychonautics-3. Force field" Festival of contemporary art, Cultural Center "Red Banner", St. Petersburg
2010 - "Super Me". Kitchen Gallery, St. Petersburg
2010 - "Psychonautics-2. The House of Growth" festival of contemporary art. Kitchen Gallery, St. Petersburg
2010 - "The Image of Death in Art". Shemyakin Foundation, St. Petersburg
2009 - "Peter-Perm".
As part of "Living Perm" Contemporary Art Festival, Perm
2009 - "Mukhkhkhi" (lit."Fliesi") March Gallery, St. Petersburg
2009 - "Stalin". As part of the project "Images of Soviet Leaders", the Museum of Political History of Russia.
"Second life" Installation.
Together with Justina Komissarova. St. Petersburg
2009 - "Petersburg-2008" Central Exhibition Hall Manege, St. Petersburg
2008 - "Landmarks" exhibition-competition, "Wunderkammer" theme.
Pavlov Hall of the Angleterre Hotel, St. Petersburg. 3rd place.
2008 - "Petersburg-2007", Central Exhibition Hall Manege, St. Petersburg
2001 - Group No. 23 exhibition, Vitebsk
- Museum of Political History of Russia, St. Petersburg
- Erarta Museum, Saint Petersburg